Prime Psychiatry 

Partners with You

At Prime Psychiatry, we understand that the journey to mental health and wellness is unique for every patient. That's why we're dedicated to helping your patients find their path to remission and recovery, one step at a time.

Our Commitment to Referring Physicians

We value the relationships you have with your patients, and we're honored to be a part of their mental health journey. At Prime Psychiatry, we're committed to delivering an exceptional experience to you and your patients as we collaborate on their TMS Therapy treatment plans.

To refer a patient, you don’t need to know a Prime Psychiatry Director or have a prior relationship with us. Let us collaborate with you to provide patients with the highest quality patient care.

Prime Psychiatry has provided  thousands of TMS treatments to patients struggling with depression.

Why work with Prime Psychiatry

Expertise in TMS Therapy

Our team of experienced professionals specializes in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy. We have the knowledge and resources to provide your patients with the highest quality TMS care available.

Comprehensive Care

We see patients from The Frisco, Plano, and the surrounding areas, ensuring convenient access to TMS Therapy for your patients. Whether they're at the early stages of depression or further along in their journey, we tailor our treatments to meet their specific needs.

Streamlined Referral Process

You don't need to have a prior relationship with us or know a Prime Psychiatry provider to refer a patient. Our referral process is simple and straightforward, making it easy for you to connect your patients with the care they need.

Collaborative Approach

We believe that by working together, we can achieve better outcomes for your patients. Your insights and expertise, combined with our TMS Therapy knowledge, create a powerful partnership for their mental health.

Patient Success

85% of patients at Prime Psychiatry report seeing improvements in their depression symptoms from TMS Therapy.

Non-Invasive Treatment

TMS requires no sedation, is non-invasive, and lasts only 20 minutes. Patients can drive themselves to and from treatment.

  • 1. Refer to Prime Psychiatry

  • 2. During TMS Treatment

  • 3. After TMS Treatment

What to Expect Post TMS Therapy

Completing TMS typically takes around 6 to 7 weeks to complete. At the conclusion of the treatment course, you will receive an End of Treatment (EOT) report. The report includes all weekly progress notes, weekly PHQ-9, and GAD-7 scores, and an overall summary of your patient's progress throughout their treatment.

Our team instructs your patients to make a follow-up appointment with you within the next 2-4 weeks. You can also expect your patient's Treatment Coordinator Manager or Patient Advocate to follow up in person and answer any questions you may have about your patient's EOT report.

Finally, your patient will join our Salience Alumni Program which will prompt our team to check in with them regularly to stay proactive on the relapse of their symptoms.


Connect with our wellness team

(469) 777-4691

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a candidate for TMS Treatment?

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Is TMS the same as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

What are the side effects of TMS?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

What kinds of patients cannot receive TMS?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

How can I receive updates on my patient's progress?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.
